Monday, March 10, 2008

One of them has a cold he got yesterday sledding with his father all day in sopping wet clothes (I wrang out the socks) and was dropped off mute, and X says “I think he’s got something in his throat.” Ya think? He takes them for 24 hours and fucks it up, how is that possible? It’s like speed-fuckingup, a sport of some kind. And the schools are closed (snow, more snow) today again. But not mine. Again. I’ve had to find childcare or work from home piecemeal or take them with me at least once per week every week this semester. Meanwhile, X is a month behind on the “help with babysitters” cash, which is a fraction of what actual child support would be in the first place. And I’ll do it, meet both classes, hand back all the midterms I graded in one weekend, go to the union meeting and deal with our contract STILL unpaid since August, and more, with kids in tow.

Just noting it: that not needing anybody for anything this much is a lot of not-needing, so much that I might need help not-needing since I have so much of it to do.

Ironically, today is National Napping Day playlist:

Dixi Chicks – Lullaby
Graham Weber – Italian Lullaby
Jack Johnson – Lullaby
Joshua Radin – Everything Will be Alright
Sarah Vaughn & Clifford Brown – Lullaby of Birdland
Neko Case – Furnace Room Lullaby

not good enough

(tell me again, I dare you)