Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Similar to "jetlag" to the effect of the time in between a woman nagging a man to do something, and the time he actually does it.


Similar to jet-lag. [etc.]

lag attack

A sudden, paralyzing attack of laziness. Dude, I was gonna take the trash out, but then I had a lag attack. Now the goddamn house is filled with stog flys.


The crevice, or fleshy divot, resulting from the tension of unduly tight clothing on a man's genitalia. It specifically refers to the testicular area, and the ridge that becomes visible between the testes. Did you see that guy's 70's shorts? He's got some major lagina happening!


a small peanut shaped piece of poo that stubbornly clings to an arse hair [Jasper gets these. If he chews one off it’s a pooptart.]

I'm on the upswing. Mama Sita, who goes home tomorrow eve, and everyone else all seem to have caught a China cough from me (knock on wood), but I just wanna run. I've got a workburst brewing in my head. Could be worse. Valentines Day is allll over the music blogs, but I'm going zen about it all as much as possible.

paula cole- feelin love