Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Faculty Council week.

Last text wawawaing at me was 9:54 last night. First one this morning was 4:12 a.m.

TJ at 6:20 a.m.: grunt
Me: grunt
TJ: I am so over high school
Me: I am so over college
TJ: the coffee is already cold..and what the hell are you doing?
Me: making dinner because I know by dinnertime I will be out of energy and if I eat one more slice of pizza I am going to beat somebody to death with a pizza
TJ: what time did you get up?
Me: 4:12, first complaint text came in
TJ: Faculty Council is like your job gets its period
Me: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA OMGTOTALLY LOLOL if only some chocolate and wine would shut them all the fuck up
TJ: yea man, show them Seinfeld reruns and let em all cuddle shih tzus