Sunday, October 29, 2017

Dear diary, Today I did nothing except talk to a friend all day about houses.

Where do you want to live and why? Can you? How can you? Why would you or would you not? Pros and cons. That is the kind of shit I want to talk about. I just like to.

Outside my friggin blog, I don't talk about sex and death 24/7. UNDERNEATH, like semiconsciously, everything is really about those essential things - anyone with opposable thumbs knows morality and mortality are the biggies duh right? But that lives INSIDE everyday shit, like granite or butcher block? Pros and cons. Block, is my preference, because it is both bold and warm. But it is harder to care for. And that is just like me, right? To prefer wood for those reasons despite that cost? In these many small choices, we know who we are. So that is why I like to talk about and make such choices.