Wednesday, February 03, 2010

made my infamous key lime pie (highend soft food) for one of my friends who got rear-ended at full speed on the 190 while she was stalled on the shoulder (she was on her way to yoga) - ever milk a key lime? they're as big as gumball machine bouncy balls and about as hard, you gotta milk a couple dozen to get a pie out of the deal, which is why everyone else's key lime pie sucks cz they use some nasty limejuice substitute. not me though, I make virgo pies god damn it, the real deal or no deal at all. so I make a big one if I'm gonna do it, passing it out to all the sick and injured and assholics who are close to my heart. at about 11 p.m., after workdays are done and all kids are in bed, text msg's start coming in, "fucking awesome pie!"

I'm circling the bowl and noboody who could help can, and nobody who can help would playlist:
D'Angelo - Devil's Pie (Raw) high rec