Monday, February 22, 2010

DmS tells me that there is no sense in worrying about anything, worrying doesn’t change anything, and besides even if someone were to die it wouldn’t matter much since I’d keep living. I suppose to the degree that you could call worry a ’thought’ and not a nauseous feeling, I can see her point. If I were to have a friend die, well that hardly changes anything indeed since technically speaking we’re all dying all the time, we’re walking rotting corpses (have you smelled your own breath lately?). But. Worry and Wisdom and Resignation - whatever, it’s all the same, it’s what the mind can do with what is real, which is HOW YOU FEEL. If you weren’t frightened, your mind wouldn’t need a coping mechanism. If you weren’t breathing, fright could not take the form of gasping. So, in effect, your mind and your body exist wrapped around your EMOTIONS, your mind to give them form in concepts and your body to carry them around and give them sensation. That’s what they mean by only the Spirit is real, which I feel is true. If I could get my mind and body out of the way altogether, maybe I could see with my Spirit the only real thing, that shining eternal light, in others - but, as I often have to concede, I am not Jesus Christ. And so, I Worry. If I could Not-Worry instead, I do not believe there would be any essential difference in that.

Clem Snide - Heat of the moment (Asia)

(p.s. note I'm not gloating about the hockey thing. I get gracious points for that.)