Saturday, February 16, 2008

Sexuality click pic - c'mon [what else is there to see in this image? a moth, seriously?] my friend Patti sent this test to me - she makes her students take it, and hers came back "Deeply Afraid of Cruelty"

mine: "Your Unconscious Mind Is Most Driven by Sexuality. . . .

The world is a sexy place for you – your erotic self leads the way. Whether this is because you're presently in a great physical relationship or simply want one, you are much more aware of the sexual undertones in situations than most people.

This heightened focus, coupled with your vivid imagination, can make you more likely to have original – at times risqué – interpretations of things that other people might see as innocuous. Your subconscious is telling you that you are very much alive, and have a great deal of passion to bring to life."

[lol o'brother]

Bonnie ‘Prince’ Billy - After I Made Love to You

bonus - William Elliott Whitmore - When Push Comes To Love