Monday, May 18, 2020

I'm sick.

If this is Covid, it's a sleeping pill. Asleep for 20 hours of 24. Aside from also covered in hives, I don't feel too bad really. Just, I can't stay awake. I should get nose swabbed, probably, but that feels like an almost impossible level of effort, to DRIVE somewhere, eesh :/

I gotta get up. Today is when I'm scheduled to make a big splash w my new health humanities program at a national conference moved online. At noon. I haven't even thought about what we are going to present, too busy grappling. In fact, maybe I've just had an exhausted nervous overworked crash. It's not the first time that hives and exhaustion put me down weepy. This blog is a record of many repeating patterns and that is one.

I'm going to apply to be a contact tracer today too. I need a 4th job like I need a hole in my head, but .. still ...