Thursday, April 09, 2020

I woke up to a blizzard. FUCKING SNOW.

Then when I tried to meet the latest manic deadline for a spreadsheet, my computer died. Ears got it to come back while I stormed around the house furious crying.

And I caught jasper eating a marker. He's just trying to commit suicide or some shit.

I had to give up. Called everyone in to a meeting and ordered everybody to turn on out of office replies until Monday. Don't reply to me. Don't talk to each other. Then I smoked some pot, took half a valium I've been hoarding, and laid down to listen to the HAIL in April. And to touch my fucking face.

A social distancing no distance nightmare is what this is. As if Facebook and Microsoft had an Omen 666 baby in the form of a pandemic so we'd all be forced up each other's digital asses a mile. It is driving everyone "working from home" into mental illness, clearly, the little zoom boxes are the padded cells they're straightjacketed within.

Metaphorical puppy