Saturday, March 18, 2017

Took a nap. What I dreamed, I should not blog.


Back to the book, which is a diary comic, which inspires me to wanna record this largely pointless day of mine today
I suppose for anyone reading this blog, t'would be better if next I read a self-help guide to unbridled unfettered milf sex eh? Freedom is wasted on me. If I were a comic, I would have to draw a woman surrounded by enough boots and lingerie to equip a brothel spending her days nesting and reading obscure books. Drafting articles she never finishes on her students' white seeing and other ideas tangled in her vague nagging worries about teaching as inerently political and her social justice failures. Looking at porn sometimes then taking naps like a self-addled inside-cat. Painting kitchen cabinets white (they were already white).