Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Remember that dude I fired? Well, I've seen him in hallways chatting his brains loose, looking happy for the first time since I met his sorry ass, so I made sure, cz that Nun she can pull fast ones on ya and rehire people you've fired outa the kindness of her heart typa deal. But nope, he's just free to do what he actually wants now that he has no choice. He might even be tolerable deep down! Not to me, of course, he thinks I'm a cast iron bitch. But that's cool, cz that works for me pretty much.

Meanwhile, I pulled the death card for my day and nothing at all bad happened. Fuck the death card. I'm not worrying, it takes up too much room in my heart for nothing.

Jeffrey Foucault (I love this dude, his voice melts my panties off, his Johnny99 song rocks my shimmying ass around in the carseat dancing, love him) - Love is a Rose (Neil Young cover)