Sunday, November 08, 2009

so many pet blindness hazards - who knew?

"Dogs and cats and all sorts of pets can be injured. Also cats can be blind if eating the wrong thing. That is why many pet owners are grieving the loss of their pets. Also when a pet gets injured it could take a lot of money. And disabilities cannot be fixed.

When you have dinner always push you’re chairs in or you’re pet will eat you’re dinner by using the chair for a boost. Never feed you’re pet chocolate or it might die. Do not by accident feed you’re cat dog food or you’re cat will go blind. Also make sure you’re pets collar is not loose or tight. Also at 75 degrees you’re puppy might get heatstroke. Also make sure they have their shots. Also you can get chips so when their stolen they can be found.

In conclusion a lot of people bark up the wrong tree for bad medication and caring. Sometimes leaving a piece of chocolate on the counter can kill your cat. So there are a lot of things that can hurt your pet. But there are a lot of things that can protect them. So bark up the right tree!"

(gigglegiggle - TJ is fast becoming my favorite writer)