Saturday, October 31, 2009

"Halloween is awesome! I mean, I get to pull pranks on people, get candy, and scare people out of their skins on ONE NIGHT. This is one of my rib crackingly funny Halloween stories.

Once, when me and my 11 year old brother were 5 and 7, we had weird Halloween. First off, we went to this house that 17 year olds were running away from with wide eyes. Then one of them spotted me. “Ha!”, one of them said, “It’s a little 5 year old!” They laughed. I walked up and told him I was offended,(By that I mean I kicked him in the shins), and they didn’t laugh at me anymore. I decided to go see what all the hubbub was about. To this day I think I owe it to my slow 5 year old reflexes that I got a LOAD of candy that day. I walked down the driveway and a man with a hockey mask and chainsaw ran out yelling. Before my 5 year old reflexes could register anything,(I mean 20 seconds when I say that), He laughed and gave me trash bag bigger than me. Than he dumped a huge barrel of candy into it. Secondly, later that night,(To his eternal shame), my brother jumped ten feet into my dads arms, BECAUSE a body that we had assumed to be a dummy had jumped up.

These are funny because they are odd. If some of the behavior seems odd, you must remember, we were 5 and 7 at the time. Yes, these are TRUE STORIES. As you can most likely see,(If you cannot I may suggest serius help), Halloween is very fun."