Saturday, September 05, 2009

went to a summer culmination thing tonight - I brought the easiest part, wine and chocolate, bc I was at a funeral this week then sick bla bla - the others brought music and whole gardens full of dried flowers and oils and herbs and intentions . . . we all demanded what we'll get in the year to come. then we did the 'thanks' for what we have part, and everyone including me had to agree that I've got an eviable lot. great kids, great friends, great job, great house, great health, knock on wood. it was mostly a love-missing thing tonight, regarding people lost or not yet found or gone off, etc. but even still, I've got a windfall of blessings and I had no trouble imagining what's missing either, which seems like some kind of blessing in its way too. it's better than having ________ there in your mind/heart.
p.s. Here's a short list of suggested activities to make the most of the next few hours: Clean, sort, talk to friends, e-mail, handle business, send out the mail, organize, pay bills, handle transportation issues and charge your phone. Mercury goes retrograde Sunday, and for the rest of the month, it might be more challenging to get to some of these tasks.