Tuesday, February 24, 2009

the carbon monoxide detector is busted, that was all - wasted money on the emergency gas dude and I was stuck living through the night besides, woo hoo


The new moon in Pisces represents fresh beliefs. If you lost your faith in someone, especially yourself, you can now find it again. If your convictions have weakened you can decide what you do feel strongly about. Spiritual discovery happens, and most often comes from doing the most practical of activities with great love. This year the new moon in Pisces falls on the same day that, in 1968, Cambridge astronomers announced the existence of pulsating stars they named pulsars. These stars were baffling to their first observers because their emissions seemed irregular and they were dubbed by their discoverers, Jocelyn Bell Burnell and Anthony Hewish, the tongue-in-cheek name of "LGM-1," which stood for "little green men." Could it be possible that these strange stars radiated from alien civilizations? It's the premise of many a "Star Trek" episode and a delightful conduit for imagination. This new moon in Pisces is ideal for investing some energy in your own fantasies about the possibilities of the universe. It doesn't have to be extraterrestrial in nature, and in fact it's probably mundane. For instance, maybe there's something you want that would make your life easier, but you haven't figured out how to get it yet. Daydreaming on the topic of "what if?" will likely bring many ideas that never occurred to you before. Be bold with your imaginings. The more wild and impossible your fantasies are, the better the ideas that come out of them will be.


"to dream of tomatoes means domestic enjoyment and harmony. . . for a woman to dream of growing tomatoes fortells of her happiness in a relationship or marriage"


I dreamt of planting pots full of them, ripening to gorgeous red faster than I could get them in the dirt. all good signs this day, but all I feel is nothing at all. actually, the feeling most familiar to me in this lifetime is of being punished collateral damage, so I feel nothing more remarkable than breathing would be a better way to put it. say la vee, at least now I know what I'll plant in the rooftop garden, which fortells of salads
Susan Werner: Help (The Beatles)