Saturday, March 17, 2007


If you burped any louder you could reach jet propulsion and accidentally blow your head off.
You got a problem with that?

What’s that smell?, curly ick face, taking a piss.
Shampoo? I’m washing my hair, clearly.
It doesn’t smell very good, it smells girly.
Well your buttcrack doesn’t smell very good.
Smells good to me!

I thought we’d go to the Botanical Gardens.
O cmon, all this snow is depressing the shit outa me.
You swore.
I hate the Garden Thing, it’s just a bunch of plants lying around.
That’s the point, plants flowers LIFE and all that.
What’s the big deal about being alive?
It’s hard if you think about it—all this snow is covering up plants that want to live again, that takes Will Power.
O anything can be alive, even Grandma Jody!

The Lost and Found - Give Me The Flowers While I'm Living
(if you're not dead)