Friday, March 03, 2006

who will show up (or might not) + tunes

from “Study Shows Babies Try to Help”:

Psychology researcher Felix Warneken performed a series of ordinary tasks in front of toddlers, such as hanging towels with clothespins or stacking books. Sometimes he "struggled" with the tasks; sometimes he deliberately messed up.

Over and over, whether Warneken dropped clothespins or knocked over his books, each of 24 toddlers offered help within seconds — but only if he appeared to need it. Video shows how one overall-clad baby glanced between Warneken's face and the dropped clothespin before quickly crawling over, grabbing the object, pushing up to his feet and eagerly handing back the pin.

(“The simple experiment shows the capacity for altruism emerges as early as 18 months of age.” As does skepticism, clearly. Like a beer and shot.)


My sister calls. She can fly in tomorrow. Saturday. Wait, what day is today? Seriously? (How long have I been here? Whoa—yeah, I guess I could use the help . . . ) She tears right into the catpisscarpet, yelling "she ra!"

Leadbelly – Where did you sleep last night? (mp3)


Some weeks feel longer than others. Is this hutspa or pychosis?

Voxtrot - MothersSistersDaughters&Wives (mp3)