Thursday, March 30, 2006

small sacrifices

It’s inevitable. The cold will return, and it’ll probably catch me out, nipping body and spirit. It will be bracing, and I will brace myself against it, crossy-armed. Anything that is dynamic, anything alive, moves. Up and down; back and forth. The mind knows this, but the heart delights in the warm day. The mind says, Remember. The heart, Live. The mind says, The warmth is fleeting, and thus it is not real. The heart, Everything is fleeting, and it is warm today (duh). The mind says, No. The heart, Yes.

No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yes. No. Yesyesyes. The heart is stronger than the mind. (reference: Terry Schiavo.)

The first pedicure of the year. The mind knows this as the sacrificial pedicure, lain on the alter of the Sandal Goddess and otherwise wasted in the Texas shitkickers.

"Juciy Pink" - 3.2006

yeahyeahyeahs – Let Me Know (this is a b side of a single off the new cd --Review of it here among other places, but most have samples that iTunes cuts off after one minute. Phemonena interrupted.)