Monday, February 12, 2007

There is always an upside (well, almost—it’s like when I told TJ, to cut him off of his relentless bragging, that nobody is stupid it’s just that other people have other talents and he scoffed and said Some People Are Just Stupid—ok ok but MOST OF THE TIME . . . etc.) to everything. No matter what I do I start to feel like jogging at about 11 pm since I got back. I’ve tried everything short of a mallet. Even ambient didn’t do squat. And then I fall asleep so hard and abruptly that I can’t remember how it happened or if I actually did something or just dreamt it. Like the 2 days of WIDEAWAKEALLTHETIMEINCLUDINGTHEPLANE on the way there made me weepy before it broke, this is making me a grumpypuss. But. I never sleep, generally. So, the upside is that I'm continually dreaming, awakesleeping.

(new dictionary)

To see a salamander in your dream, represents your ability to survive through shame, misfortune, and/or embarrassment. [we caught bunches, all over sneaking into neighborhood backyards and snagging them out of their pools]

To see hair in your dream, signifies sexual virility, seduction, sensuality, vanity, and health. It is indicative of your attitudes. [nothing about it fading (to red) and standing on end like wires]

To see or ride a scooter in your dream, suggests that you are enjoying your position of power. [that’s an old one, and I was only riding-behind]

To dream that something is on sale, represents opportunities that are readily available to you.