Saturday, June 04, 2022

I have a new phone. I hate that. I only do so when my phone hopelessly dies. One of the many reasons I hate it, besides that it's bad for the planet and makes assholes rich, is that I know none of my passwords.  It takes days to figure out how to log into things again. Such as this blog. Just getting into the Hotmail associated with it is like archeology. The lady ahead of me at the phone store was trying to recover her shit from AOL. I didn't know that existed still. I thought welp at least I'm not trying to log into anything through PARIS 🤨

I am grateful that I can still log into here, tho blogger is unsupported and glitchy. Nobody blogs anymore. Everyone moved to SOCIAL social media and lost their fucking minds there. People lie there. The lying started with posts about how awesome your life was, Lake Woebegonesque, everyone's children were above average. It was just bullshit, then it grew to monstrous. Lying tends not to turn out well, generally.

This blogspace is like a mall that closed, it used to be noisy and lit up but now it's quiet and I tape notes on the wall to record the time(s). 

This is the time that everyone is "over" COVID. I went to the farmer's market today and was the only person wearing a mask. I am getting over it too but in different fashion - I am giving up what I collected during the pandemic's early years 2020-2022. Like drinking. Drunk texting with friends, us all killing time with abandon, saying crazy shit to each other, it had its moment. 

I'm not sure what comes next, for better or worse.


But let me see if—using these words as a little plot of land and my life as a cornerstone— I can build you a center. —Qiu Miaojin