Saturday, October 03, 2020

If you have symptoms of COVID - which can be the same as strep, as bronchitis, as bacterial pneumonia, as ear infection in a child - you can't see a doctor / get medical care. First you have to get yourself tested, somehow. Call a hotline, try to get an appointment, get yourself there on a bus. Then wait. My results took 6 days every time. THEN if you DO NOT have it, you can see a doctor. If you do, you're told to stay home. What happens if you stop being able to breathe, I honestly don't know. You call an ambulance, I guess, and they take you somewhere to die alone at a designated overburdened ICU. ?

One thing is sure: nobody flies your belligerent fat ass to a state of the art hospital to get first in line for the very few drugs available for the disease you personally willfully inflicted on hundreds of thousands of people.


Bonus track - hey Canada, shame on you too