Sunday, August 18, 2019

Nebraska and/in Wisconsin. Both won me over. Against the odds and over my best worst behavior to discourage love of me altogether.

I feel hateful regarding men and have always hated Wisconsin because both make, have made, me feel like shit. Just utter shit. Not hard math, you slap me down and I feel like shit. Unwanted ft Throttled. But what if neither made me feel like that anymore? Answer: I want a pontoon boat. So much so that I actually went to see this, walked the boatslip channel, went to the wading beach that I first swam at as a baby, planted a garden in my head on the double lot side where the clothesline waits on a tilt.

And the kids. All of them piled in on each other us alone together debriefing in the jeep that smelled like baby pee and cheese. Laughing. TJ says, "Your dad told us that women are just a bunch of orifices." A BUNCH?!, jeeesuz, how many is a BUNCH d'ya think? The baby says "jeezus!", and we all crack up.