Thursday, April 11, 2019

I said "sure, if you will take me to dinner in Boston" (very armscrossy), which is an unreasonable demand to make of a man who lives in Omaha.

That is unlikely, of course, and even if he will do that, the chances of my shutting the door on him before any such thing are about 99.9%. But what if I kept making demands and he kept agreeing? What if I demanded a tattoo? I would never do that. Except I DID do that.

I did that.

And sooner or later, one of these dudes will stick, it is inevitable, I am not going to be celibate always waiting around. So. The questions will resume. What is your deal? That is a fair question.

My sexual orientation. Is peculiar. And has shaped my entire life. To be now alone. Which I prefer to be most of the time. But not always. Semi-Solo Nympho, that's the title of my next album (ha).

What's yours?