Sunday, April 21, 2019

"Everyone leaves, if they need to, if they can, or if they have to." Lost Children Archives, Valera Luiselli

April. The cruelest month. He always starts cheating in Aprils. Pre Mother's Day. The a.m. birds chirping their brains loose remind me.

Column A - Honest commitment phobes (single).  Column B - repressed liars (not single). Both start out sending me songs and wanting to talk.

It doesn't bother me anymore. Because it isn't about me. I could be Jessica Alba. Except I am not.

I took myself vacation shopping yesterday, after getting a spring waxing (discipline before pleasure, gotta earn it). I bought a sexy bathing suit and a silk dress that cost a fortune because it felt very good against my smooth bare abraised skin. 

"April ft Shopping ft Ropes"