Wednesday, January 30, 2019

why start shit

What lives have you had? You learn about people that way, telling stories. Sooner or later, though, the stories lead to Now. If you have shared many past lives in the talkingtalking, by the time you get to speaking of Now, you've created common ground. The word "we" sneaks in to your vocabulary. "We" both always like this or do that, ha ha ha.

It sneaks up on ya.

Has my next catastrophe begun? Or was this just a warning shot across my bow? I never knew how to know that - are you a Thing? - until blammo the man has kidnapped me from my senses. Like in a horror movie, leaning in for a closer look always gets you swallowed whole. Usually it's perfectly safe, tho, cz men talk smack nonstop but they don't MEAN anything, (when is the last time you mustered something as simple as 'I like you'?, face it men are emotionally impaired, cannot compute), which is why moooost of the time they're great in the f-zone.

But I should think about what I DO want and not just what I do NOT. He has asked me multiple times, What do you really want? He never added FROM ME. What if he does?, I suddenly wonder. And the first answer that pops into my head surprises me.