Friday, January 11, 2019

The language of the body is chemistry. It's touch, exertion, rest, food, hormones, temperature and the like. Speak the body's language to achieve your goals.

WEEKEND LOVE FORECAST: ARIES: There are so many ways to communicate love. If you only stick to your favorites, you'll miss the other person's favorites. TAURUS: Get into nature with someone you like and the relationship will get more animal. GEMINI: You'll enjoy one glorious date more than five unremarkable ones. Budget accordingly. CANCER: Sharing similar beliefs will be essential, as ultimately, you're unlikely to keep appreciating a person who is too far away from your worldview. LEO: It doesn't have to be all about your partner. You need your own space. And you'll learn more and develop yourself further when you do something just for you. VIRGO: Your take on a relationship? You're still deciding. There are a few different versions, depending on your mood. LIBRA: You'll be chosen, whether or not you want to be. SCORPIO: Strength is attractive but vulnerability is even more so. You have to be very strong to let others know your weaknesses. SAGITTARIUS: Be careful not to mistake a person for some hero you made up in your head. CAPRICORN: Passionate kisses will be yours. AQUARIUS: Sharing a space with another person is easier when you also have your own space somewhere else. PISCES: Your friendliness and breezy sociability net you many invitations.

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