Monday, October 08, 2018

bad romance - gaga
on repeat

VIRGO  The potential for fresh faces is high today. You've the space for a new friend to drop into your world. If the other person also has the room, things will develop very quickly. If not, it will be a slow-grow situation.

Welp, I have room for it (grrrrRRrrr). But do I really? I am very busy..

Observation: now that I am chair, I have direct oversight of faculty time. How they spend it and on what. A third of my department get their romantic companionship at a distance. This was a long weekend, so they all went there or it came to them. Ohio, Indiana,  Connecticut, Toronto, NYC. I put my 'out of office' autoreply on my email over the long weekend so nobody would feel obliged to check it - if I set my own time aside, they can too. Upshot: if I set my own time aside, I make room for you to do the same.

I am going to Letchworth for the day, sniff the air and see fall leaves, making room for the beauty of the world.