Thursday, September 27, 2018

The faculty officially smacked the administration. Unanimously. Both sides praised me for it - it could have been a lot worse, everyone agreed, all around. A censure and demands motion is not a fullblown putsch. You cannot imagine standing in front of 120 people with hate on their faces staring at you lovingly, a monthly occurance in my life, like my job gets a period that is really bad sometimes. Afterwards, one of the profs I hate the most, a rude little turd relentlessly, came up to me ... Uhoh here it comes, I think, his need to piss on my day ... and he says "you look really beautiful today". I am stunned into laughing right in his face, full guffaw. While I am trying to recover gracefully, another guy comes up behind me to whisper "good job" in my ear, as he reaches around my rib cage for a hug and gives me quick sideboob feelup. I am not #metoo about it at all (whatever).  But today as my crotch-grabbing president proceeds toward putting a teabagger on the supreme court, it is striking how different my reality is from the exact same job if I were a man doing it. Frankly, I think my VP is going to have a tougher time of it when he steps up in 2019. He can't put on a killer dress and subconsciously spank the room. And that is what everyone wants deep down. Made to heel/heal.