Monday, August 21, 2017

They say that whatever you do during an eclipse is like planting a seed – you’ll get more of it whatever it is.  So I’m trying really hard today to be okay.  I sent my youngest kid into the hinterlands of Germany overnight, by himself, for a ‘save the environment’ mission trip.  A plane, two trains, one bus, all in German.  It is hard to describe how you feel about a youngest child.  It is not that you love them the most, more like you love them the hardest.  They are the most likely to be not-ready when you die, stuff like that occurs to you, and in whatever way you find yourself wanting to protect that one the most.  So, being how I am built, I send him the furthest away so that I know he will be okay.  And, to be honest, I cried most of the night in terror that something might go wrong, and cried most of the morning because nothing did and he doesn’t need me anymore ish.  Once there, he texted that all was well, except he is with 9 other teenagers and none of them speak one another’s languages and it’s super awkward.  “I feel like a newly divorced dad or something, lonely in a new place with nobody and a single bed.”  I snapped a pic of myself where I am sitting at work – all those other teens have mothers too, at work somewhere missing them too right now, and everyone knows how to say “Mom”.  Start there (and then come back Boy…)

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Life is an eclipsing of things, one over another over time.