Friday, August 11, 2017

Not that they (Ott glories) can't live in harmony, given the right offer. They like to coexist with throrny roses, for instance. And they glow-bloom before dawn, attracting hummingbird moths, not birds at all but butterfly-bees. Both the glories and the moths are more than meets the eye.

Add a discerning eye and ta-da...

While the mentality of our culture is deeply entrenched in competition and the survival of the fittest, such a mindset ultimately leads to a hostile society in which nobody will want to live. Venus and Neptune form a visionary trine. Look for softness, chivalry and compassion. If you don't see it in the world, imagine it and you'll help bring it into being. (Think globally, act locally.) VIRGO weekend love horoscope: It's not just about who they are but about who you are when you're around them. Do they bring out the best in you? Define best: Flourishing/Sexy/On Solid Ground. (Right?) (That what I bring out in you?)