Wednesday, April 12, 2017

I can't believe it is only Wed. A relentless clusterfuck of the missing finger chunk the norovirus cramps the endless work bullllllsssshit meetings upon meetings ending in the scheduling of a meeting like some circle of hell insomnia. I was home from a long day by 10 30 this morning pouring myself a glass of wine before settling in for my next slog of hours behind a screen working from here.

It is lunchtime. And I have given up on this day.

I am sitting here merely watching my inbox fill with reply chains, ding ding ding new mail every 10 seconds, around umpteen problems, thinking just fuuuuck it.

I am going to binge watch VEEP.

"Somewhere in the world there's a woman exactly my age getting her pussy eaten and I'm stuck here" - fave line from the episode 'Thanksgiving' and which is the annoyed subtitle of my interior life pretty much 24/7