Thursday, October 09, 2014

"You know greed has nothing to do with money right?" (She didn't know.) Iyanla then explained to her that greed is taking more than you give. Oh ok, Shoya said, seeming relieved and suddenly pointing out a million things she'd done to make the project work. But as Iyanla pointed out, all of her examples were of her doing things to invest in the outcome she wanted. She did this and this and this because she wanted this and this and that for herself. She was investing in her agenda. 'That's not giving,' she told her." ~from I Knew But Still

(duh, lol.  and that shit is as funny as it isn't easy, cuz you think you've thought around that corner only to be investing in an outcome of your being able to knock that shit off, and you then you suck at that for a long while ...)

"The fact that man senses his finiteness everywhere and cannot be satisfied with any of it points to a hidden possibility in his nature.  He must have another root of his Being than that of his finiteness.  If he has no pre-knowledge of the unknowable he would lack the urge to enquire.  But he seeks after Being itself, after the Infinite and the Other.  Only this can give him satisfaction." ~ from General Psychopathology

"Intense experiences of a spiritual type may occur during prolonged periods of isolation, physical deprivation or emotional stress.  Spiritual awareness is also said to arise from contemplation of works of art or intense concentration on a task, such that the separation between subject and object becomes less apparent [i.e. tantra].  This includes retreat and religious worship and ritual.  Ecstatic mystical experiences may occur spontaneously but periods of intense reflection or indecision have often occurred beforehand.  There may also be a link between such awareness and an ability to replace the usual focus on oneself with a concern for and interest in others. Religious and secular systems of morality (in contrast for narrower concepts of moralism) concur that we flourish through our ethical and loving actions towards others.  This suggests that although spiritual perception is not usually the result of an effort of will, certain states of mind may favour its appearance.  It also suggests that spirituality is a response to the world.  Rather than cultivation or improvement of an illusory self, it may involve being moved by what is other than oneself.  It is communication of something within a relationship, an interaction." ~ from Conceptualizing Spirituality for Medical Research and Health Service Provision