Sunday, February 13, 2011

I had a dream in which I lost Jasper in a large parking garage (my worst nightmares have parking garages in them, always slicked with ice/snow, kids sliding off of top levels of them) and he was stolen by someone in order to cast a dark spell on me, like voodoo.
I dreamt of a house filled with wood toys that would break if you touched them, and play one note of music then go silent forever - I was afraid to touch anything, and a musician I vaguely know (friend of Sunnie's) was there, he lived there trapped as by a witch in a fairy tale.
I dreamt Tony was pregnant, a nervous wreck, and we were in a drug store looking desperately for a test.
I dreamt I couldn't get money unless I committed to what I'd use it for, and I didn't want to commit, so I couldn't, so I starved - that one had music playing, "did something wrong - I'm only here in negative", and I woke up feeling like it had something to do with X, the way he always made me feel like I was doing something bad/wrong every minute of every day until I stopped doing, so I froze. I went looking for that song, and the site that had it linked on hype machine took me to this Morrissey thing instead. (what difference does it make?) (wonderful wooman) - I woke up in full panic
I dreamt of having to teach with fake tools instead of real magic ones, like you'd learn CPR on a dummy rather than a real person, my magic boxes were filled with only colors where tools should be, and I had to keep teaching anyway until that brought the tools back to me, "fake til you make it".

meanwhile, in real life my roof is leaking like a bitch - Sunnie's man is up there now, been up there since 10 this morning, with tar. he brought me a truffle too, for Valentines day.