Thursday, January 13, 2011

(all greys and blacks and whites, with a ruched skirt and patent leather black kneehigh boots and hornrimmed glasses - I'm a good little worker and I have some cute outfits for it)

It's always a bit of a shock to my system, the first 12-hour workday back, kinda like electroshock therapy only different (but very similar). I got lots and lots and lots of work done plus goodwill reunions with coworkers; and I was happy, not woo hoo thrilled, but Fine. Except for the random pointless punishment on a (thankfully brief) personal relationship break, the day and I were both Perfectly Fine. I can see why FPH goes this route (until the hamster wheel exhaustion effect kicks in). I wish I were never his brief punishing break when he was exhausted and spent down to nothing left to be upset about, but I am that. (sometimes) (and vice versa).

Now, I'm gonna have a hot hot shower, then practice my drum for a short spurt before the nightnight tuck ins.