Thursday, November 04, 2010

ASTROLOGICAL INSIGHT: Why and How To Bring Virgo Energy into Your Life. Virgo, the sixth sign of the zodiac, is the sign associated with service and health. It's about habits that shape you. It's the sign associated with daily responsibilities, both paid and unpaid, and the work that is involved in just being you. Virgo energy is especially handy when you want to change a habit or make an improvement in your life. It's helpful during the entire process of making the change. Virgo energy guides the analysis, planning and execution of the new behavior. And most importantly, Virgo energy provides the impetus to repeat an action until it is an ingrained, natural and automatic response. Every person has Virgo energy represented somewhere in his or her astrological chart. Maybe it's a prominent energy, or maybe it's lying dormant. You can activate Virgo energy by deciding on the improvement you want to make and seeing yourself as a person who embodies this new behavior. Then repeat the new habit daily. Repetition is the key. As you put your new behavior into practice, the Virgo energy of self-discipline and a healthful, helpful mindset will begin to flow through your life and sustain you.

[take your vitamins; save your money]