Sunday, March 21, 2010

Joe Cocker “Unchain My Heart” (Ray Charles)

Anything scares me, anything scares anyone but really after all considering how dangerous everything is nothing is really very frightening. - Gertrude Stein

Sooo Officer caught some guy lurking in my backyard while I was off teaching yesterday . . . he was wearing a black leather jacket and smoking a cigarette, says Officer, and when questioned said he was looking for the backdoor to knock on bc he was selling magazines for his church, then he ran off >:/ Probably merely sensing my nervousness, Jasper has been up and down alllll night, sniffing the empty rooms and waking me up and driving me crazy. I'm not frightened finally, I'm REALLY PISSED OFF.

I'm so out of patience w/ shit to worry about, that let's just say: if you were a daffodil, to save myself the heartfuss I'd kill you before you could threaten to wilt (me).