my Xmas karma: my roof is kinda caving in under the weight of so much snow, leaking all over the place through my woodbeam ceiling; at the brink of despair, I’m shoveling the driveway after shoveling the roof (for 2 solid hours) when a stranger pulls up in a truck and plows me out totally, “merry xmas” then drives off; I lost $100, just fell outa my bag who knows where; I got a letter in the mail today from Nun telling me that she’s “adjusting my income” up 4% because I’m underpaid, “merry xmas“; I’m outa food and drinking my last glass of wine; so I’m hoping any minute now some priest dude will show up on snow shoes outa the blizzard with a 6-pack and a pizza . . . .
watson twins -
sky open up