Monday, January 15, 2024

Only one coworker has died and the game is on thanks to a plow escort. Only in Buffalo would that sentence be good news, or even make any sense.

TJie (formerly TJ but added an ie to her name, so, TJie - same exact person but in a short skirt, uncanny) went to an art show with me the other day and in the jeep ride was introducing me to music. Except I'd already played all that music years ago, all through her early childhood, the FPH years were full of gay tunes. She was shocked. I'm spending some snowed-in time making a semi-throwback playlist for TJie now, interspersed with new favorites, which may also be gay af for all I know. 

vacations - midwest ❤️ the dancing - for Nebraska, fighting a wicked case of COVID and midwestern windchill 

Ergo Sum sampler: