Wednesday, February 12, 2020

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). If you believe you don't know what you're doing and then get evidence that supports that belief, frustration sets in. This is the point when many would give up. Not you. All of this can be figured out, if only you don't quit.

Mark, best in soul. Like, really good.
Didn't work.

EX, best partner match. Like, perfect on paper.
Didn't work.

FPH, brought out the good in me.
Didn't (even try to make it) work.

Trainwreck, best sex. As in intimacy.
Didn't work.

Nebraska. Excellent match on paper, highly motivated. Everything says it should work. Like, as a math problem. Every night I go to sleep working this problem, having talked to him on the phone and dodged as much lovetalk as humanly possible - it's like talking to my dad and trying to avoid triggering subjects. (Sigh.)

Every day, I wake up and work the problem of my job / kids / life. Alone.

All evidence suggests I do not know what I'm doing. Except (remember?) this.