Sunday, January 26, 2020

Sunday. One week out from hysteroscopy, myomectomies, and endometrial ablation. Managed the first week of classes, almost every project is on timeline, I booked travel to the first couple conferences coming up, I completed all inspections and filed all necessary paperwork to buy that duplex, all chores got done if just barely. I also slept at least 12 hours of every 24 and haven't exercised in a month, too sick before and now so sluggish. I feel like a spoonful of mashed potatoes. When can I go back to normal?, I asked. "A week or two, just no baths, no sex, and don't do anything too crazy."

🤔 shit

So. New Orleans level escapades are definitely out. What about getting tattoos? No nearly having sex on the ground in the middle of Lewiston, obviously, and it's too cold for that anyway...

The wounds take up to month to heal completely, my body is a bag of fluids weeping from of a gut full of blisters. I have to be patient with it. But. As I feel better each day, and start to imagine being Perfectly Fine, trouble brews naturally in my heart of hearts. So, can I do Bikram??, cz thats how I keep my crazy on a leash. If I call and ask, Hey can I pull my leg over my head in a 108 degree room?, methinks the answer will be NO
