Sunday, September 08, 2019

Kids grow up. They start unfurling feelings, picking companions and futures. It is very cute. It's also hard not to wince knowing that it never gets any easier.

I am the fickle one. I do not care about what ails you (stop whining), especially if that thing is me (then get someone else), and unless I ask you to play me a song - don't. I know Nebraska is already pissing and moaning and pining internally, it'll break him, my Built of No will drive him up a wall then into somebody's pants. And I just can't feel anything but grrrrrrr about that fact. The best/most I can do is tell him the truth. If you text me 'thinking of you' one more fucking time, I am going to send a boob shot to someone else. Seriously. I have options. So: Shut. Up.

Love is a kick in the head.