Friday, June 08, 2018

Ok so mid working my butt off in Utah, I get a concerned call from the new neighbor (how did he get my number?) cz Django is in his kitchen filthly and lost (wtf??). Where is Jasper!? I panic and call everybody to go over to the house omg did one of the workdudes let them slip out or what!?!? I cannot tell you how badly I freaked the fuck out..

When help arrives, they find: Jasper is right where TJ left him, locked in his bedroom, sleeping on the bed. Django moved a window fan out of the way, chewed through the screen, jumped out the 2nd story window onto the metal awning below, slid down the awning (woosh) into a tree, fell down the tree one broken branch at a time to the ground, and hightailed it over to the neighbor's like an escaped kidnap victim. SERIOUSLY.
Jasper was like, Oh hell no and stayed put (thank god). And thank god there is only another half day of this damn trip.

Weekend love horoscope VIRGO: Invite more people. Your enjoyment will be multiplied.

(🤔 Is that a joke?)