Saturday, May 19, 2018

check this out
"Kalliroy (called ‘Kay’ in the U.S.) Zaimes was born in Stenimahos, then part of Greece. This was also John Basil's father Bill's home town. Bill fought with the Greek Army during World War I, and after the war, emigrated to the U.S. After Bill Basil had been in America for a time, he returned to Greece to find a wife, and, of the many candidates presented by the townsfolk, he selected Kalliroy Zaimes. They married and came to the United States in 1926."

So he built the house for her. And she lived in it until she died, then left it to that church. In the house, their movie star friends came and went, says the neighbor.

bonus track

"When the Basil Brothers purchased the theater in 1943 for a "high six figures," they presented movies by Columbia and Universal pictures..."