Thursday, November 03, 2016

Tonight was orchestra for TJ. The last kid in the nest. His father showed up and sat next to me, the empty chair and all so finefine. His nameless eternal hostility toward me seeped sideways through my skin - what is that?? Was always there, who knows, I found it potentially sexy once but godnonopenopenope. I left at the break after TJ's part.

When TJ got home, first thing he asked about was Aaron. His current chest cold and his dog. I took a deep breath. Said Aaron has a new Whatever again, so I am irritated and trying not to count on seeing him much but ok I will ask about the dog if (when) he surfaces. TJ, knowing what to do with disappointment and pain, gets funny. "Has he got a new south buffalo 90's prom queen runner up?" Sigh. "Tiffanny Lin (you have to spell it wrong to make it stick)?" Sigh, ya, something like that. "A Samanthony?" gigglegigglegigle omg Samanthony. Slayed me. Hahahaha