Monday, April 20, 2015

"I do not want anything stirred up that I can’t handle by myself...but now, instead of being safe and sound and insulated against desire (shudder), I was suddenly thinking other kinds of thoughts, having other kinds of memories. I went and bought Guitar Town by Steve Earle instead of listening to my better self, and I even played it indoors because when I got home the kids were out. After a bit, and despite my new relationship with time, I began to experience impatience. One song at a time was taking too long. I began to wonder if there wasn’t some way I could cram all this music in at once. Oh hell. That’s called fucking." ~What Comes Next and How to Like It, a memoir by Abigail Thomas.

This book is pretty god damned funny, so I actually bought it after the kindle sample ran out and I'm now sitting in a half filled half fixed tub (o hot water how I love thee), giggling.