Monday, March 23, 2015

Beautiful moment late last week when I realized this week was spring break. I gave the cuddle buddies a bath last night in anticipation of the nothing I'd be doing today. "Nothing", that's what most people call *reading*. I'm catching up on listening to some music at the moment (I love this version of 'Fever', but to be honest I love every version of it, like every kind of chocolate covered anything), still lying naked in bed, sipping coffee and reading the illustrated Thought Forms (Bessant) and trying to get through The Days of Abandonment (Ferrante), which gets a mixed review of it being too good to bear it more than a few sentences at a time, the narrator's mind trapped in self-referential habits of loss, dismantling itself. Meanwhile, Aaron just texted the news that he's losing his job by way of the facility he is at being closed.  Say la vee, I think. The Witch told me that would happen, more or less (FYI if you're a Gemini, a lunar eclipse is gearing up for a hit on 4/4, at which time you will abruptly lose something that you probably started getting rid of last year around this time, consciously or not - if you have Gemini in any of your houses, it will apply to you in that area of your life. If you forgot how to check that, refer back here for a basic natal chart.) Change scares me, everything scares me, but I wasn't always this way and it can't stay like that - he hates that job and so I must have faith that the universe is leading him (us) somewhere better. He cast his beer and I also cast my spell yesterday, I wrote it all over him like grapherotica, my intention to strain fear out of my lovethinking by handing over the power to him to heal (me), like agreeing to the surgery you've long held out against, and viola he loses his job before noon. Sooo, yea.

"And to keep under control the anxieties of change I had, finally, taught myself to wait patiently until every emotion imploded and could come out in a tone of calm, my voice held back in my throat so that I would not make a spectacle of myself." ~ Days of Abandonment