Thursday, June 13, 2013

Yesterday my neighbor chopped by big silver maple almost in half.  I'd post a pic, but I left the house and haven't been back in the light, in an effort to quell my rage (to no avail).  They hired a crew with a cherry picker to hang over my property and cut all the branches that grew long enough to reach their yard.  It was illegal as well as awful, but suing won't bring it back.  It reminded me of the time Lamb's landlord cut the pussy willow half to death.  Myself, I'm not going to try to "understand from their point of view", propellors in their pool and whatever.  I wish I could, for MY sake, for what is left of my equalibrium and ability to sleep whatsoever (not much is left of those in my life these days), I wish I could stop hitting their trees (much bigger than my own, insult to injury) with lightening and them with cancer of every kind. I can stop short of imaginging terrible things happening to their children, again thank goodess for MY sake, but that's as far as my equanimity goes (and barely).  Otherwise, it's this and this and ... a pint of urine and hours of sleeplessly wishing them in pain, basically.

I try not to.  But I do.  I hate people