Monday, January 28, 2013

my cold sores have cold sores. my nerves are shot to fucking shitstains, my body screaming about it. I want to commit myself to one of those old school hospitals for nervous exhaustion: jello to eat and doses of something opiate based and being wrapped in compresses and playing checkers.  thank god we're going to that resort soon.  and it occurs to me that maybe those places, where breakfast is a certain time and lunch another time and the menus all fixed and the booze all free and handed to you whether you want it or not, that that's the modern day equivalent of a nerve hospital.  I never thought I'd want to go to one of those places. I would wonder how people like Aa's parents, who are working class people without money to throw away, could or would send themselves to such places.  I honestly could not understand the appeal.

now I'm thinking "yes, I am fucking shot to shit, before my lips explode off my face in stress puss, please do lock me a room with softened lighting and give me a dose of something partially mind-obliterating and tell me when it's time for lunch..."

no song, obviously