Sunday, August 13, 2006

theorizing education, v. 1

(tone: arms crossy)

What is the predominant theory of higher education, i.e. the one that runs the show? I try to simply find a way to describe that, before I assess the thing, ya know?

An inspiration. Use symbolic logic. Here are the symbols:

X me (playing Professor Girl)
Y something of intellectual value
Z Studenty Someone
~ gives
> to
~' thus gives
$ money
SS secret sauce (I dunno how to define this precisely--stimulus?)

Breaking down the basic components and their relations to each other--This is how I see the basic situation of formal higher ed now:

Formula 1
X (me) ~ (gives) Y (something of intellectual value) > (to) Z (student) ~’ (thus gives) $ > DYC

Are you following this so far? Notice that X doesn't get shit. So. I propose a changeroo (paradigm shift) in the theory of how learning anything should, ideally, work:

Formula 2
X ~ Y > Z ~’ SS (secret sauce) > X ~’SSY > Z ~’ SS > X ~’ SSE > Z . . . (repeat)

The next step is field work, which I will commence with the first person who followed one letter of that