Saturday, February 25, 2006

self help reading + music

I can tell by your middle finger that you’re warming up to me.

Brad Sucks. He ran 6 miles with me today, and by the time we’d gone 4, I felt kinda crushed out like he writes this shit just for me, and I had to keep going along with him until I came to a shaky dead end of energy somewhere right next to weeping. I picture him looking maybe like Ed Nortony Bob Dylan young w more ass maybe. He's Canadian, and though it's a big place it seems like he's so right there nextdoorish in a basement with internet access waiting for a fan club to materialize out of nowhere into his lap (unless he's gay) (or, like, 12). When others fail, he helps me get to that endorphins-sweeten-my-fear-and-loathing place, and he can keep me there cruising the miles at a steady pace, making my mind up, sick as a dawg, a dirtbag under the weather, resting all by myself on the borderline. (O Brad, I could never forgive Requiem for a Dream either.) He’s playing a pub in Napean ONT tonight, wherever the hell that is, some middle of coldnoplaceville like most of the rest of that wretched country. Ah well. Passing him on is the best I can do . . . from an interview in Flak: I start off telling people, "Yeah, I'm on this fake Internet label that isn't good but new and different and they're not giving me an advance and they're not paying for my tour and they're not doing anything really for me." And people are like, "You're on a label? Wow, that's so cool!" . . . The arts are just fucked.

How can ya not love a guy who captures so effortlessly the ‘just fuckedness’ of just fucked, and who can do an Abba cover?

Fixing My Brain (mp3)
SOS (mp3)

I never wanted to learn my lessons. All I wanted was a little attention. (from your mouth to God's ear boy)

Meanwhile, woopsie? From the [weird] news: A written report from Secret Service agents guarding Vice President Dick Cheney when he shot Texas lawyer Harry Whittington on a hunting outing two weeks ago says Cheney was "clearly inebriated" at the time of the shooting. Agents observed several members of the hunting party, including the Vice President, consuming alcohol before and during the hunting expedition, the report notes, and Cheney exhibited "visible signs" of impairment, including slurred speech and erratic actions . . .

MC Frontalot - Rewind (mp3)